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2 Epic Weeks at Circles Center

That was the first time to meet with the same group twice a week. It was an Epic!

Seven children 3 girls and 4 boys joined the Earth & Universe round in the past 2 weeks. They applied most of the activities cleverly. They started 1/11/014

Malak (3.5 years) is the youngest and she joined the round despite the fact that she is not yet a 4 years old. She was completely engaged, inspired and productive and quiet! She is very serious when it comes to “FUN". Malak was inspired by colors and she expressed it well. She was also engaged much in city building.

Camilia (4 years) is the painter of the round. She used to say that was the most inspiring thing when we check out. She painted great designs with original ideas. She works independently.

Dima (8.5 years) is a sweetheart that used to help others to overcome their problems for free :). She was inspired by the products of the others and at the last session she was the main inspiration to the whole class. She loves nature and that appeared when we talked about how do we use the resources around us to build our buildings and produce our products.

Khaled (5years) works and doesn't talk. He is very innovative and gets inspired so quick but shows all the inspirations with original ideas.

Hussain (5.5years) can easily get inspired and can easily get bored. He works great when he is not bored and used to be proud of his work.

Selim (5.5 years) has a great potential to become an architect. He is original in all the ideas he shaped and was completely engaged from the 1st minute to the last second. His products are lively and very artistic.

Marwan (9years) was very much inspired by the volcanic activities and building with blocks. He is the first brave man who started building with clay. He gets bored so quick and turns to another activity. He is very loud!

It was enjoyable and I personally learned allot from each one of the seven kids. Looking forward to meeting all again sometime soon with the coming module (Animal Architects:)

Nashwa Ibrahim


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